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Tempeh CLI

I have made a CLI for Tempeh to fasten up the process of defining routes in your Next.js application.

  • All the boilerplate code will be created for you.
  • If there are existing routes in your application, it will define declarative route objects for them.
  • You can also programatically create routes as you keep adding new routes to your application.


You can install the CLI using npm, yarn, pnpm or bun.

Global Installation

npx install -g tempeh-cli

Local Installation

npx tempeh-cli init


Tempeh-cli provides you with a 2 commands to get started with Tempeh.

  • init
  • update


  • This command will create all the boilerplate code for you to get started with Tempeh.
  • Installs zod and tempeh as dependencies in your project.
  • Defines declarative route objects for existing routes in your application.
npx tempeh-cli init


  • This command will generate route objects for new routes that you have added to your application.
  • It will not override the existing route objects.
npx tempeh-cli update